FFCF Minutes and Financials

Annual Financial Statement


[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.kfcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/FFCF-Financial-Stmt-YE-8-31-20.pdf” title=”FFCF Financial Stmt YE 8-31-20″]


[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.kfcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/FFCF-FINANCIAL-STMTS-8-31-19.pdf” title=”FFCF – FINANCIAL STMTS 8-31-19″]


[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.kfcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/FFCF-FINANCIAL-STATEMENTS-FINAL-8-31-18.pdf” title=”FFCF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINAL 8-31-18″]


[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.kfcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/FFCF-Financial-Statements-8-31-17-2b.pdf” title=”FFCF Financial Statements 8-31-17-2b”]


[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.kfcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/FFCF-Financial-Statements-8-31-16-FINAL-1-12-17.pdf” title=”FFCF Financial Statements 8-31-16 FINAL 1-12-17″]

2019 Tax Return

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.kfcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/FFCF-2019-TAX-RETURN.pdf” title=”FFCF 2019 TAX RETURN”]

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.kfcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/iRS990-2017.pdf”]

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.kfcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/2016-237071044-0dd90afd-Z.pdf”]

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.kfcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/2017-237071044-0f95488a-Z.pdf”]

Board Minutes

FFCF/KFCF Board Minutes

FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)



In Attendance:​​  Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, John Reed, Scott Jones, Cindy Hoopes, Sue Kern

Excused absence:Gerry Bill


  • Agenda: ​​ Adopted without objection.

  • Minutes of​​ April: ​​ Missy moves; Gabriel seconds, Scott abstains; motion to adopt carries.

  • Consent Agenda: ​​ Pull Budget, President’s Report and Fundraising reports

  • Budget: ​​ See written report. ​​ (Gabriel reports in Gerry’s absence). ​​ Had to borrow from Ananda Funds again but was able to restore those funds. ​​ We’re still about $50,000 in debt to our Special Fund.” ​​ Did fundraising on Rick’s show this morning and met our goal. ​​ Not sure how much KPFA still owes us. ​​ Rych thinks it might be around $10,000. ​​ KPFA lowered their goal from $30,000/day to $25,000 and they only met their goal one day during the current marathon. ​​ Rick asked about the possibility of buying vs. renting our office/studio, but the special fund (which is money raised for that purpose) is currently depleted. (We moved there in 1996 and only pay $500/month rent.) ​​ We’re still waiting to hear about the $15,000 state grant we’ve applied for. ​​ The status is listed on line as “selected, pending validation.”

  • Fundraising: ​​ See written report. ​​ Will offer free links to past Zoom events as a goodwill measure. ​​ Still want to do an in person “meet and greet” for the News Stringer Fund at Mike’s. ​​ Gigi will send Board a survey about what kind of Zoom event we want to do next. ​​ Will tentatively schedule the News Stringer event for 6/19. ​​ Rick will air one of Vic’s news reports on his next Wasteland of the Free show to encourage donations. ​​ Mike notes that if someone wants to name us in their will, they need to know who to contact. ​​ (Currently Rych.)

  • New Business: ​​ Whether to hold future board meetings in person or by Zoom. ​​ Mike proposes one more Zoom meeting​​ then decide at the next meeting whether to start meeting in person.

  • Old Business: ​​ None. ​​ 

  • Announcements: ​​ Gabriel thanks Board members who supported his son​​ Malachi’s petition to change the name of Polk School, and notes that​​ Malachi​​ ​​ will be honored at the FCNV Way of Peace Awards as the Youth awardee on 6/12/21.

Without objection, meeting adjourned.


FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)



In Attendance:​​  Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gerry Bill, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, John Reed, Sue Kern

Excused absence:Scott Jones, Cindy Hoopes​​ 


  • Agenda: ​​ Adopted without objection.

  • Minutes of​​ March: ​​ Adopted without objection

  • Consent Agenda: ​​ Pull Budget, President’s Report and Fundraising reports

  • Budget: ​​ See written report. ​​ We’re further in debt this month. ​​ Had to borrow $7500 from the Ananda fund. ​​ Rych was hoping we’d start getting our checks from KPFA soon. ​​ Got e-mail from Maria saying she thought they owed us about $26,000 but Rych saw another $17,000 that she missed. ​​ This covers everything but phone room expenses. ​​ Phone room chargers are about $1 per phone call. ​​ If we get what they owe we can pay off Ananda and part of the special fund. ​​ KPFA hasn’t provided monthly accounting because their system keeps changing. ​​ The next pledge drive is 5/5-5/28/21. ​​ Right now KPFA is only about 6 months behind. ​​ They’ve given Rych access to their software so he can see the pledges that have come in, etc. ​​ Quincy only goes to the office once a week due to COVID and he has to sign the checks. Our application for a state grant is still wait listed. ​​ We got $550 in local donations in the mail today.

  • President’s Report: ​​ Mike notes that we’re doing pretty well in terms of local support and events despite the pandemic.

  • Fundraising: ​​ See written report. ​​ Received about $4000 from a letter Mike sent to top donors. ​​ Want to do one virtual event per quarter. ​​ KPFA’s virtual events are $5-25 sliding scale. ​​ Will try to post a Bioneer’s video as the KFCF contribution to the Fresno Earth Day virtual event. ​​ Fresno will go from red to orange soon. ​​ We can start thinking about holding small outdoor events, possibly at the Intermountain Nursery or in Mike’s back yard.

  • New Business: ​​ From John Reed: ​​ Joe’s Steakhouse has closed due to COVID. ​​ Suggest we acknowledge their support on the air. ​​ (Scott is friends with the owners).

  • Old Business: ​​ None. ​​ 

Without objection, meeting adjourned.



FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)



In Attendance:​​  Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Scott Jones, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gerry Bill, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, John Reed, Sue Kern

Excused absence:Cindy Hoopes,​​ 


  • Agenda: ​​ Missy moves, Gigi seconds, adoption of agenda. Motion carries.

  • Minutes of​​ February: ​​ Gerry moves; John seconds, approving February minutes. ​​ Motion carries.

  • Consent Agenda: ​​ Pull Budget and Fundraising reports

  • Budget: ​​ See written report. ​​ Still owe about $50,000 to ourselves, most from the “Special Account.” ​​ Got another $12,500 PPP loan/grant. ​​ Waiting to see if we’re eligible for a $15,000 grant from the State of California. ​​ It’s been 9 months since we last received funds from KPFA. Vic noted that when he was ED, he had a contract with Nicole Sawaya that required a monthly accounting between us. ​​ In the last marathon there was a $5000 match from someone in Fresno. ​​ Rych will send out renewal notices and will call KPFA again about marathon funds. ​​ Pacifica’s loan is due in April. ​​ Some people have filed a lawsuit against Pacifica re finances. ​​ Rych will check with Sherry Gendelman. ​​ Rych will also send Scott a copy of our contract with KPFA to review. ​​ Our Fresno funds used to serve as a match for KPFA to apply for CPB funding. ​​ Vic suggests we avoid dealing with Pacifica and just communicate with KPFA.

  • Fundraising: ​​ See written report. ​​ Gigi thanked those board members who submitted a recording or video to encourage donations. ​​ The Lawrence Lessig event is o 3/30/21 at noon, and tickets (through Eventbrite) are $25. ​​ It will be available on our You-Tube channel later on. ​​ Next event we should try to include it in our ad in Community Alliance. ​​ A link to the Eventbrite site will be on our website. ​​ Soul Kitchen now has an apron donors can purchase for $75 (it costs us $13).

  • New Business: ​​ None

  • Old Business: ​​ None. ​​ 

Without objection, meeting adjourned.

FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)



In Attendance:​​  Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Scott Jones, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gerry Bill, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, John Reed, Sue Kern

Excused absence:Cindy Hoopes,​​ 


  • Agenda: ​​ Adopted without objection.

  • Minutes of​​ January: ​​ Gerry thought that Mike is also on the Budget Committee (he confirms that he is), and that Cindy, not Rick, is chair of Governance. ​​ And Scott is also on the Governance Committee. ​​ With those corrections, Gerry moves; Scott seconds, approving January minutes. ​​ Motion carries.

  • Consent Agenda: ​​ Pull Budget and Fundraising reports

  • Budget: ​​ See written report. ​​ We’re still about $50,000 in debt, mostly to ourselves. ​​ Got the Paycheck Protection Act loan for $12,500, and will be applying for a State of California Relief grant. ​​ We did earn less money this year than last, but if you only look at the April-June window (which is what they ask for), we got a $30,000 check from KPFA during that 3 month period so that might disqualify us. ​​ (We haven’t gotten any more from KPFA since June). ​​ Rych will be talking to Maria at KPFA tomorrow. ​​ Rych is currently working on the expenses portion of our budget. ​​ KPFA is now on its 4th​​ change of financial software.  ​​ ​​​​ And see Pacifica budget report ad the e-mail from Larry Bensky and Conn Hallinan.

  • Fundraising: ​​ See written report. ​​ Rick got $450 pledged on his show this morning. ​​ The marathon started today and ends o 3/5. ​​ Still want board members to submit video or brief statement re why people should donate that can be posted on our website and social media. ​​ Also want more things donated for the on-line store. ​​ Heard back from Lawrence Lessig today but he can’t do a weekend event. ​​ Can only do it on a Tuesday afternoon from 2-4 Eastern time (this would be lunch hour in California). ​​ Next possible speaker could be Dr. Vohra. ​​ Also considering Greg Palast (who’s based in LA) and David Barsamian (based in Colorado). ​​ The Civic Engagement group Scott’s been in touch with had a piece in the Sunday Bee. ​​ Dan Jamison is now retired. ​​ 

  • New Business: ​​ None

  • Old Business: ​​ None. ​​ 

Without objection, meeting adjourned.


FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)​​ (Corrected)



In Attendance:​​  Rych Withers,​​ Mike Beevers,​​ Scott Jones, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gerry Bill, Gigi Pavlovich,​​ Gabriel Suarez,​​ Sue Kern

Absent:Cindy Hoopes, John Reed


  • Agenda: ​​ Gerry requests that we add election of officers and committee membership to new business. ​​ With those additions, the agenda is accepted without objection.

  • Minutes of​​ November: ​​ without objection, minutes approved.

  • Election of Officers: ​​ Vic moves, Rick seconds, keeping officers same as last year. ​​ Missy requests that we go through each officer position and vote on it.

  • President: ​​ Rick nominates Mike; Gabriel seconds, Mike is elected.

  • VP: ​​ Mike nominates Cindy; Vic 2nds; Cindy is elected.

  • Secretary: ​​ Gerry nominates Sue, Missy seconds; Sue is elected.

  • Treasurer: ​​ Mike nominates Gerry; Missy nominates Gabriel; Mike 2nds. ​​ Gabriel agrees to serve as assistant to the Treasurer. ​​ All but Gerry votes to approve Gerry as Treasurer and Gabriel as Assistant Treasurer (Gerry abstains); ​​ Gerry is elected as Treasurer; Gabriel as assistant.​​ 

  • Consent Agenda: ​​ Pull Budget report (GB) and Fundraising (Gigi)

  • Reports:​​ 

  • President’s Report: ​​ We have about 1000 subscribers. ​​ Mike will be sending out thank you letters to our biggest past donors.

  • Budget​​ (see written report): ​​ Still owe about $46,000 to the special fund. ​​ New database administrator at KPFA is working on sending us reports. ​​ Possible grants: ​​ California Relief grant (for small businesses and small performance venues), and round 2 of PPP. ​​ Gigi can help with applications once the specs come out. ​​ The next KPFA marathon is 2/16 – 3/5. ​​ Painted Table (friend of KFCF) has put in a bid on the Tower Theatre. ​​ Rych hasn’t prepared a proposed budget yet; waiting for KPFA’s report on the last three months. ​​ KPFA’s income was down 17% in 2020. ​​ Rych will send out renewal letters when he gets updated data from KPFA. ​​ 

  • Fundraising (see written report);​​ Can still add items for sale to the holiday store on our website. ​​ Sue will buy the Howdy Doody lunch pail and Rick will by the Howdy Doody comic for $20. ​​ Just sold the $200 legal consult from Teresa Petty Jones. ​​ For the virtual event calendar, propose starting with Lawrence Lessig around President’s Day (Gigi will contact him), and then Dr. Vohra. ​​ Scott is talking to Dan Jameson. ​​ Gabriel notes that we can ask the virtual speakers to ask for donations at the end of the event. ​​ Can also have the guest sign a t-shirt or book we can give to someone who brings in a new member.

  • New Business: ​​ Committee membership:

  • Budget Committee: ​​ Gerry (chair), Gabriel, Missy, John, Mike

  • Fundraising: ​​ Gigi (chair) Mike, Missy, John, Gabriel, Vic, Scott, Sue

  • PNA: ​​ Cindy (chair), Vic, Scott, Dennis

  • Governance¨​​ Cindy​​ (chair),​​ Rick, Scott, Sue, Gerry

Vic notes that we had an ad hoc committee for “Plan B” if Pacifica goes under. ​​ Their big loan becomes due in about 3 months.

  • Old Business: ​​ None. ​​ 

  • Announcements: ​​ Rych notes that the Fall 2020 ratings are in. ​​ Our audience is getting younger: ​​ only 21% were over 65, and the total listenership is higher (17-18000 listeners). ​​ Gabriel’s son won $1000 for proposing changing the name of his school from Polk (a racist President).


Without objection, meeting adjourned.