Annual Financial Statement
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[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”FFCF – FINANCIAL STMTS 8-31-19″]
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”FFCF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINAL 8-31-18″]
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”FFCF Financial Statements 8-31-17-2b”]
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”FFCF Financial Statements 8-31-16 FINAL 1-12-17″]
2019 Tax Return
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”FFCF 2019 TAX RETURN”]
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Board Minutes
FFCF/KFCF Board Minutes
FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)
In Attendance: Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, John Reed, Scott Jones, Cindy Hoopes, Sue Kern
Excused absence: Gerry Bill
Agenda: Adopted without objection.
Minutes of April: Missy moves; Gabriel seconds, Scott abstains; motion to adopt carries.
Consent Agenda: Pull Budget, President’s Report and Fundraising reports
Budget: See written report. (Gabriel reports in Gerry’s absence). Had to borrow from Ananda Funds again but was able to restore those funds. We’re still about $50,000 in debt to our Special Fund.” Did fundraising on Rick’s show this morning and met our goal. Not sure how much KPFA still owes us. Rych thinks it might be around $10,000. KPFA lowered their goal from $30,000/day to $25,000 and they only met their goal one day during the current marathon. Rick asked about the possibility of buying vs. renting our office/studio, but the special fund (which is money raised for that purpose) is currently depleted. (We moved there in 1996 and only pay $500/month rent.) We’re still waiting to hear about the $15,000 state grant we’ve applied for. The status is listed on line as “selected, pending validation.”
Fundraising: See written report. Will offer free links to past Zoom events as a goodwill measure. Still want to do an in person “meet and greet” for the News Stringer Fund at Mike’s. Gigi will send Board a survey about what kind of Zoom event we want to do next. Will tentatively schedule the News Stringer event for 6/19. Rick will air one of Vic’s news reports on his next Wasteland of the Free show to encourage donations. Mike notes that if someone wants to name us in their will, they need to know who to contact. (Currently Rych.)
New Business: Whether to hold future board meetings in person or by Zoom. Mike proposes one more Zoom meeting then decide at the next meeting whether to start meeting in person.
Old Business: None.
Announcements: Gabriel thanks Board members who supported his son Malachi’s petition to change the name of Polk School, and notes that Malachi will be honored at the FCNV Way of Peace Awards as the Youth awardee on 6/12/21.
Without objection, meeting adjourned.
FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)
In Attendance: Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gerry Bill, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, John Reed, Sue Kern
Excused absence: Scott Jones, Cindy Hoopes
Agenda: Adopted without objection.
Minutes of March: Adopted without objection
Consent Agenda: Pull Budget, President’s Report and Fundraising reports
Budget: See written report. We’re further in debt this month. Had to borrow $7500 from the Ananda fund. Rych was hoping we’d start getting our checks from KPFA soon. Got e-mail from Maria saying she thought they owed us about $26,000 but Rych saw another $17,000 that she missed. This covers everything but phone room expenses. Phone room chargers are about $1 per phone call. If we get what they owe we can pay off Ananda and part of the special fund. KPFA hasn’t provided monthly accounting because their system keeps changing. The next pledge drive is 5/5-5/28/21. Right now KPFA is only about 6 months behind. They’ve given Rych access to their software so he can see the pledges that have come in, etc. Quincy only goes to the office once a week due to COVID and he has to sign the checks. Our application for a state grant is still wait listed. We got $550 in local donations in the mail today.
President’s Report: Mike notes that we’re doing pretty well in terms of local support and events despite the pandemic.
Fundraising: See written report. Received about $4000 from a letter Mike sent to top donors. Want to do one virtual event per quarter. KPFA’s virtual events are $5-25 sliding scale. Will try to post a Bioneer’s video as the KFCF contribution to the Fresno Earth Day virtual event. Fresno will go from red to orange soon. We can start thinking about holding small outdoor events, possibly at the Intermountain Nursery or in Mike’s back yard.
New Business: From John Reed: Joe’s Steakhouse has closed due to COVID. Suggest we acknowledge their support on the air. (Scott is friends with the owners).
Old Business: None.
Without objection, meeting adjourned.
FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)
In Attendance: Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Scott Jones, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gerry Bill, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, John Reed, Sue Kern
Excused absence: Cindy Hoopes,
Agenda: Missy moves, Gigi seconds, adoption of agenda. Motion carries.
Minutes of February: Gerry moves; John seconds, approving February minutes. Motion carries.
Consent Agenda: Pull Budget and Fundraising reports
Budget: See written report. Still owe about $50,000 to ourselves, most from the “Special Account.” Got another $12,500 PPP loan/grant. Waiting to see if we’re eligible for a $15,000 grant from the State of California. It’s been 9 months since we last received funds from KPFA. Vic noted that when he was ED, he had a contract with Nicole Sawaya that required a monthly accounting between us. In the last marathon there was a $5000 match from someone in Fresno. Rych will send out renewal notices and will call KPFA again about marathon funds. Pacifica’s loan is due in April. Some people have filed a lawsuit against Pacifica re finances. Rych will check with Sherry Gendelman. Rych will also send Scott a copy of our contract with KPFA to review. Our Fresno funds used to serve as a match for KPFA to apply for CPB funding. Vic suggests we avoid dealing with Pacifica and just communicate with KPFA.
Fundraising: See written report. Gigi thanked those board members who submitted a recording or video to encourage donations. The Lawrence Lessig event is o 3/30/21 at noon, and tickets (through Eventbrite) are $25. It will be available on our You-Tube channel later on. Next event we should try to include it in our ad in Community Alliance. A link to the Eventbrite site will be on our website. Soul Kitchen now has an apron donors can purchase for $75 (it costs us $13).
New Business: None
Old Business: None.
Without objection, meeting adjourned.
FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)
In Attendance: Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Scott Jones, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gerry Bill, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, John Reed, Sue Kern
Excused absence: Cindy Hoopes,
Agenda: Adopted without objection.
Minutes of January: Gerry thought that Mike is also on the Budget Committee (he confirms that he is), and that Cindy, not Rick, is chair of Governance. And Scott is also on the Governance Committee. With those corrections, Gerry moves; Scott seconds, approving January minutes. Motion carries.
Consent Agenda: Pull Budget and Fundraising reports
Budget: See written report. We’re still about $50,000 in debt, mostly to ourselves. Got the Paycheck Protection Act loan for $12,500, and will be applying for a State of California Relief grant. We did earn less money this year than last, but if you only look at the April-June window (which is what they ask for), we got a $30,000 check from KPFA during that 3 month period so that might disqualify us. (We haven’t gotten any more from KPFA since June). Rych will be talking to Maria at KPFA tomorrow. Rych is currently working on the expenses portion of our budget. KPFA is now on its 4th change of financial software. And see Pacifica budget report ad the e-mail from Larry Bensky and Conn Hallinan.
Fundraising: See written report. Rick got $450 pledged on his show this morning. The marathon started today and ends o 3/5. Still want board members to submit video or brief statement re why people should donate that can be posted on our website and social media. Also want more things donated for the on-line store. Heard back from Lawrence Lessig today but he can’t do a weekend event. Can only do it on a Tuesday afternoon from 2-4 Eastern time (this would be lunch hour in California). Next possible speaker could be Dr. Vohra. Also considering Greg Palast (who’s based in LA) and David Barsamian (based in Colorado). The Civic Engagement group Scott’s been in touch with had a piece in the Sunday Bee. Dan Jamison is now retired.
New Business: None
Old Business: None.
Without objection, meeting adjourned.
FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual) (Corrected)
In Attendance: Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Scott Jones, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gerry Bill, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, Sue Kern
Absent: Cindy Hoopes, John Reed
Agenda: Gerry requests that we add election of officers and committee membership to new business. With those additions, the agenda is accepted without objection.
Minutes of November: without objection, minutes approved.
Election of Officers: Vic moves, Rick seconds, keeping officers same as last year. Missy requests that we go through each officer position and vote on it.
President: Rick nominates Mike; Gabriel seconds, Mike is elected.
VP: Mike nominates Cindy; Vic 2nds; Cindy is elected.
Secretary: Gerry nominates Sue, Missy seconds; Sue is elected.
Treasurer: Mike nominates Gerry; Missy nominates Gabriel; Mike 2nds. Gabriel agrees to serve as assistant to the Treasurer. All but Gerry votes to approve Gerry as Treasurer and Gabriel as Assistant Treasurer (Gerry abstains); Gerry is elected as Treasurer; Gabriel as assistant.
Consent Agenda: Pull Budget report (GB) and Fundraising (Gigi)
President’s Report: We have about 1000 subscribers. Mike will be sending out thank you letters to our biggest past donors.
Budget (see written report): Still owe about $46,000 to the special fund. New database administrator at KPFA is working on sending us reports. Possible grants: California Relief grant (for small businesses and small performance venues), and round 2 of PPP. Gigi can help with applications once the specs come out. The next KPFA marathon is 2/16 – 3/5. Painted Table (friend of KFCF) has put in a bid on the Tower Theatre. Rych hasn’t prepared a proposed budget yet; waiting for KPFA’s report on the last three months. KPFA’s income was down 17% in 2020. Rych will send out renewal letters when he gets updated data from KPFA.
Fundraising (see written report); Can still add items for sale to the holiday store on our website. Sue will buy the Howdy Doody lunch pail and Rick will by the Howdy Doody comic for $20. Just sold the $200 legal consult from Teresa Petty Jones. For the virtual event calendar, propose starting with Lawrence Lessig around President’s Day (Gigi will contact him), and then Dr. Vohra. Scott is talking to Dan Jameson. Gabriel notes that we can ask the virtual speakers to ask for donations at the end of the event. Can also have the guest sign a t-shirt or book we can give to someone who brings in a new member.
New Business: Committee membership:
Budget Committee: Gerry (chair), Gabriel, Missy, John, Mike
Fundraising: Gigi (chair) Mike, Missy, John, Gabriel, Vic, Scott, Sue
PNA: Cindy (chair), Vic, Scott, Dennis
Governance¨ Cindy (chair), Rick, Scott, Sue, Gerry
Vic notes that we had an ad hoc committee for “Plan B” if Pacifica goes under. Their big loan becomes due in about 3 months.
Old Business: None.
Announcements: Rych notes that the Fall 2020 ratings are in. Our audience is getting younger: only 21% were over 65, and the total listenership is higher (17-18000 listeners). Gabriel’s son won $1000 for proposing changing the name of his school from Polk (a racist President).
Without objection, meeting adjourned.
FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)
In Attendance: Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, John Reed, Scott Jones, Cindy Hoopes, Sue Kern
Excused absence: Gerry Bill
Agenda: Adopted without objection.
Minutes of April: Missy moves; Gabriel seconds, Scott abstains; motion to adopt carries.
Consent Agenda: Pull Budget, President’s Report and Fundraising reports
Budget: See written report. (Gabriel reports in Gerry’s absence). Had to borrow from Ananda Funds again but was able to restore those funds. We’re still about $50,000 in debt to our Special Fund.” Did fundraising on Rick’s show this morning and met our goal. Not sure how much KPFA still owes us. Rych thinks it might be around $10,000. KPFA lowered their goal from $30,000/day to $25,000 and they only met their goal one day during the current marathon. Rick asked about the possibility of buying vs. renting our office/studio, but the special fund (which is money raised for that purpose) is currently depleted. (We moved there in 1996 and only pay $500/month rent.) We’re still waiting to hear about the $15,000 state grant we’ve applied for. The status is listed on line as “selected, pending validation.”
Fundraising: See written report. Will offer free links to past Zoom events as a goodwill measure. Still want to do an in person “meet and greet” for the News Stringer Fund at Mike’s. Gigi will send Board a survey about what kind of Zoom event we want to do next. Will tentatively schedule the News Stringer event for 6/19. Rick will air one of Vic’s news reports on his next Wasteland of the Free show to encourage donations. Mike notes that if someone wants to name us in their will, they need to know who to contact. (Currently Rych.)
New Business: Whether to hold future board meetings in person or by Zoom. Mike proposes one more Zoom meeting then decide at the next meeting whether to start meeting in person.
Old Business: None.
Announcements: Gabriel thanks Board members who supported his son Malachi’s petition to change the name of Polk School, and notes that Malachi will be honored at the FCNV Way of Peace Awards as the Youth awardee on 6/12/21.
Without objection, meeting adjourned.
FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)
In Attendance: Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gerry Bill, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, John Reed, Sue Kern
Excused absence: Scott Jones, Cindy Hoopes
Agenda: Adopted without objection.
Minutes of March: Adopted without objection
Consent Agenda: Pull Budget, President’s Report and Fundraising reports
Budget: See written report. We’re further in debt this month. Had to borrow $7500 from the Ananda fund. Rych was hoping we’d start getting our checks from KPFA soon. Got e-mail from Maria saying she thought they owed us about $26,000 but Rych saw another $17,000 that she missed. This covers everything but phone room expenses. Phone room chargers are about $1 per phone call. If we get what they owe we can pay off Ananda and part of the special fund. KPFA hasn’t provided monthly accounting because their system keeps changing. The next pledge drive is 5/5-5/28/21. Right now KPFA is only about 6 months behind. They’ve given Rych access to their software so he can see the pledges that have come in, etc. Quincy only goes to the office once a week due to COVID and he has to sign the checks. Our application for a state grant is still wait listed. We got $550 in local donations in the mail today.
President’s Report: Mike notes that we’re doing pretty well in terms of local support and events despite the pandemic.
Fundraising: See written report. Received about $4000 from a letter Mike sent to top donors. Want to do one virtual event per quarter. KPFA’s virtual events are $5-25 sliding scale. Will try to post a Bioneer’s video as the KFCF contribution to the Fresno Earth Day virtual event. Fresno will go from red to orange soon. We can start thinking about holding small outdoor events, possibly at the Intermountain Nursery or in Mike’s back yard.
New Business: From John Reed: Joe’s Steakhouse has closed due to COVID. Suggest we acknowledge their support on the air. (Scott is friends with the owners).
Old Business: None.
Without objection, meeting adjourned.
FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)
In Attendance: Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Scott Jones, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gerry Bill, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, John Reed, Sue Kern
Excused absence: Cindy Hoopes,
Agenda: Missy moves, Gigi seconds, adoption of agenda. Motion carries.
Minutes of February: Gerry moves; John seconds, approving February minutes. Motion carries.
Consent Agenda: Pull Budget and Fundraising reports
Budget: See written report. Still owe about $50,000 to ourselves, most from the “Special Account.” Got another $12,500 PPP loan/grant. Waiting to see if we’re eligible for a $15,000 grant from the State of California. It’s been 9 months since we last received funds from KPFA. Vic noted that when he was ED, he had a contract with Nicole Sawaya that required a monthly accounting between us. In the last marathon there was a $5000 match from someone in Fresno. Rych will send out renewal notices and will call KPFA again about marathon funds. Pacifica’s loan is due in April. Some people have filed a lawsuit against Pacifica re finances. Rych will check with Sherry Gendelman. Rych will also send Scott a copy of our contract with KPFA to review. Our Fresno funds used to serve as a match for KPFA to apply for CPB funding. Vic suggests we avoid dealing with Pacifica and just communicate with KPFA.
Fundraising: See written report. Gigi thanked those board members who submitted a recording or video to encourage donations. The Lawrence Lessig event is o 3/30/21 at noon, and tickets (through Eventbrite) are $25. It will be available on our You-Tube channel later on. Next event we should try to include it in our ad in Community Alliance. A link to the Eventbrite site will be on our website. Soul Kitchen now has an apron donors can purchase for $75 (it costs us $13).
New Business: None
Old Business: None.
Without objection, meeting adjourned.
FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual)
In Attendance: Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Scott Jones, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gerry Bill, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, John Reed, Sue Kern
Excused absence: Cindy Hoopes,
Agenda: Adopted without objection.
Minutes of January: Gerry thought that Mike is also on the Budget Committee (he confirms that he is), and that Cindy, not Rick, is chair of Governance. And Scott is also on the Governance Committee. With those corrections, Gerry moves; Scott seconds, approving January minutes. Motion carries.
Consent Agenda: Pull Budget and Fundraising reports
Budget: See written report. We’re still about $50,000 in debt, mostly to ourselves. Got the Paycheck Protection Act loan for $12,500, and will be applying for a State of California Relief grant. We did earn less money this year than last, but if you only look at the April-June window (which is what they ask for), we got a $30,000 check from KPFA during that 3 month period so that might disqualify us. (We haven’t gotten any more from KPFA since June). Rych will be talking to Maria at KPFA tomorrow. Rych is currently working on the expenses portion of our budget. KPFA is now on its 4th change of financial software. And see Pacifica budget report ad the e-mail from Larry Bensky and Conn Hallinan.
Fundraising: See written report. Rick got $450 pledged on his show this morning. The marathon started today and ends o 3/5. Still want board members to submit video or brief statement re why people should donate that can be posted on our website and social media. Also want more things donated for the on-line store. Heard back from Lawrence Lessig today but he can’t do a weekend event. Can only do it on a Tuesday afternoon from 2-4 Eastern time (this would be lunch hour in California). Next possible speaker could be Dr. Vohra. Also considering Greg Palast (who’s based in LA) and David Barsamian (based in Colorado). The Civic Engagement group Scott’s been in touch with had a piece in the Sunday Bee. Dan Jamison is now retired.
New Business: None
Old Business: None.
Without objection, meeting adjourned.
FFCF Board Meeting (Virtual) (Corrected)
In Attendance: Rych Withers, Mike Beevers, Scott Jones, Missy McKai Cartier, Rick Flores, Vic Bedoian, Gerry Bill, Gigi Pavlovich, Gabriel Suarez, Sue Kern
Absent: Cindy Hoopes, John Reed
Agenda: Gerry requests that we add election of officers and committee membership to new business. With those additions, the agenda is accepted without objection.
Minutes of November: without objection, minutes approved.
Election of Officers: Vic moves, Rick seconds, keeping officers same as last year. Missy requests that we go through each officer position and vote on it.
President: Rick nominates Mike; Gabriel seconds, Mike is elected.
VP: Mike nominates Cindy; Vic 2nds; Cindy is elected.
Secretary: Gerry nominates Sue, Missy seconds; Sue is elected.
Treasurer: Mike nominates Gerry; Missy nominates Gabriel; Mike 2nds. Gabriel agrees to serve as assistant to the Treasurer. All but Gerry votes to approve Gerry as Treasurer and Gabriel as Assistant Treasurer (Gerry abstains); Gerry is elected as Treasurer; Gabriel as assistant.
Consent Agenda: Pull Budget report (GB) and Fundraising (Gigi)
President’s Report: We have about 1000 subscribers. Mike will be sending out thank you letters to our biggest past donors.
Budget (see written report): Still owe about $46,000 to the special fund. New database administrator at KPFA is working on sending us reports. Possible grants: California Relief grant (for small businesses and small performance venues), and round 2 of PPP. Gigi can help with applications once the specs come out. The next KPFA marathon is 2/16 – 3/5. Painted Table (friend of KFCF) has put in a bid on the Tower Theatre. Rych hasn’t prepared a proposed budget yet; waiting for KPFA’s report on the last three months. KPFA’s income was down 17% in 2020. Rych will send out renewal letters when he gets updated data from KPFA.
Fundraising (see written report); Can still add items for sale to the holiday store on our website. Sue will buy the Howdy Doody lunch pail and Rick will by the Howdy Doody comic for $20. Just sold the $200 legal consult from Teresa Petty Jones. For the virtual event calendar, propose starting with Lawrence Lessig around President’s Day (Gigi will contact him), and then Dr. Vohra. Scott is talking to Dan Jameson. Gabriel notes that we can ask the virtual speakers to ask for donations at the end of the event. Can also have the guest sign a t-shirt or book we can give to someone who brings in a new member.
New Business: Committee membership:
Budget Committee: Gerry (chair), Gabriel, Missy, John, Mike
Fundraising: Gigi (chair) Mike, Missy, John, Gabriel, Vic, Scott, Sue
PNA: Cindy (chair), Vic, Scott, Dennis
Governance¨ Cindy (chair), Rick, Scott, Sue, Gerry
Vic notes that we had an ad hoc committee for “Plan B” if Pacifica goes under. Their big loan becomes due in about 3 months.
Old Business: None.
Announcements: Rych notes that the Fall 2020 ratings are in. Our audience is getting younger: only 21% were over 65, and the total listenership is higher (17-18000 listeners). Gabriel’s son won $1000 for proposing changing the name of his school from Polk (a racist President).
Without objection, meeting adjourned.