Ways to Support KFCF

There are a lot of ways to support KFCF. 

You can mail a donation to KFCF to PO Box 4364 Fresno, CA 93744
< For a one time donation click here.

donate now

You can make a  donation via Click and Pledge, which allows one time payment or a recurring payment.



During a pledge drive you call KPFA at 1-800-439-5732 or go to http://www.kpfa.org.

Anyone who has donated $25 or more to KFCF through a KPFA pledge drive, off-air mailings or by a direct donation to KFCF is eligible to become a voting member of the Fresno Free College Foundation, which owns KFCF. This entitles you to vote at Annual Foundation meetings/elections or at any special meetings. Donations through KPFA may also entitle you to vote in any KPFA elections.

Make a secure donation to the Fresno Free College Foundation online through the link in the menu above.

Leave a Legacy

Remember KFCF/The Fresno Free College Foundation in your will/estate. Include language such as the following in your estate planning:

“I give and bequeath unto the Fresno Free College Foundation/KFCF, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, with its principal office in Fresno, California, the sum of $_______________ to be used to further the work of the foundation.” (If you do not wish to specify an amount, you may use a residuary bequest that is stated as a percentage of your estate.) For more information, contact the station at 559-233-2221.


Vehicle Donation

Donate an old or newer vehicle to benefit FFCF/KFCF

Now there’s a new way to help provide free speech to the Central Valley.

Fresno Free College Foundation and KFCF can now accept your donated car, truck or RV running or not.

We take, boats (if they are on a trailer), motor homes, trucks, motorcycles (if they are operational), farm equipment, and recreational vehicles such as snowmobiles, jet skis, etc.) Call our representative at

We’ll come pick it up for FREE, and give you a tax receipt for your donation.
It’s easy and quick. Vehicles without smog test or lost titles are okay too.

Call our representative toll-free at 855-500-RIDE (855-500-7433).


Volunteer Opportunities at FFCF/KFCF

FFCF/KFCF has several volunteer opportunities available for interested and committed members of our community. These positions are now open and represent a valuable contribution to maintenance and improvement of station operations. Anyone interested should contact Rych Withers at the KFCF office (559) 233-2221 or send an email message to rwithers at kfcf dot org for more information. Volunteer in a supervised position for 3 hours a year and get a free membership.


Join the KFCF Events E-mail List

KFCF has established an e-mail list that will keep you informed about KFCF and Fresno Free College Foundation related events. The KFCF Friends and Subscribers “subs” list is intended to be a moderated low traffic list to keep you informed about KFCF events, programs and alerts.

If you are interested in subscribing, just go to the KFCF Friends email list to join!


Join Our Facebook Page or (X)Twitter Feed

You can join our KFCF Facebook page to get news on upcoming local radio shows, events and more. KFCF also has a  (X) Twitter Feed at KFCF Twitter feed

During local shows you can call the KFCF Pledge line at 559-573-3350 , make an on-line pledge or go to the KFCF webpage https://kfcf.org

You can see if your employer has an employee gift matching fund.