

Board of DirectorsOpening 2024

The Foundation owns and operates KFCF-FM in Fresno. An opening on the Board of Directors is  for a seat that the term runs until Nov. 2025. You must be a current member of the Foundation/KFCF in order to be considered. If you’ve  joined through KPFA or KFCF at $25 or more you are a member. KThe FFCF believes in equity and diversity.  A candidate must be a qualified member as defined by the current Bylaws of the Fresno Free College Foundation, which are available at or from the FFCF office.

FCC rules prohibit anyone convicted of a felony from being the licensee of a broadcast station, and, since the Board serves as the licensee of KFCF FM, anyone convicted of a felony may not serve. The FCC also restricts how much of a corporation may be foreign owned.  Questions about eligibility should be addressed to the Foundation offices.

A letter of interest should be sent to . You can email, mail to PO Box 4364 Fresno , CA 93744 or drop by our offices at 1449 N Wishon Ave Fresno, CA 93728.

Please include:

Candidates shall provide, with their submission papers, brief answers to a set questionnaire prepared by the Committee as well as a brief statement of qualifications and vision.

  1. CANDIDATE STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS AND VISION – Please provide a statement of not more than 150 words describing your qualifications and your vision for the Foundation. This will be included with the materials sent to the Board to select a person
  2. CANDIDATE QUESTIONS (350 word limit total, excluding questions) – This will be included with the ballot materials and will also be posted on the FFCF/KFCF websites.
    1. Please provide a brief background statement with the skill, experiences, and connection with Fresno Free College Foundation that you would bring to the Board as a Director.
    2. Please describe your perception of the value of KFCF 88.1 FM and KPFA to Central California.
    3. What is your opinion of KFCF’s local programming? How would you work to improve the local programming?
    4. How would you propose to increase the size and diversity of the KFCF listening audience?
    5. What, in your opinion, is the proper role and responsibility of a Board member?
    6. Do you have time to attend monthly Board and committee meetings?
    • Your declaration of candidacy should contain an affirmation that you are standing to ba appointed  toa seat as a  Director of the Fresno Free College Foundation.
    • EXAMPLE: I, (name), am both qualified and eligible to run for the office of Director of the Fresno Free College Foundation.
    • Include on the declaration the following information: Name , Mailing Address, Phone Number(s), Email address if any
    • This information is required in order for you to be contacted  as well as to verify your eligibility as a paid member.
    • The KFCF office is at 1449 N Wishon Ave in Fresno, CA 93728, SW corner of Pine and Wishon. Mailing address is PO Box 4364 Fresno, CA 93744