Board of DirectorsOpening 2024
The Foundation owns and operates KFCF-FM in Fresno. An opening on the Board of Directors is for a seat that the term runs until Nov. 2025. You must be a current member of the Foundation/KFCF in order to be considered. If you’ve joined through KPFA or KFCF at $25 or more you are a member. KThe FFCF believes in equity and diversity. A candidate must be a qualified member as defined by the current Bylaws of the Fresno Free College Foundation, which are available at or from the FFCF office.
FCC rules prohibit anyone convicted of a felony from being the licensee of a broadcast station, and, since the Board serves as the licensee of KFCF FM, anyone convicted of a felony may not serve. The FCC also restricts how much of a corporation may be foreign owned. Questions about eligibility should be addressed to the Foundation offices.
A letter of interest should be sent to . You can email, mail to PO Box 4364 Fresno , CA 93744 or drop by our offices at 1449 N Wishon Ave Fresno, CA 93728.
Please include:
Candidates shall provide, with their submission papers, brief answers to a set questionnaire prepared by the Committee as well as a brief statement of qualifications and vision.
- CANDIDATE STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS AND VISION – Please provide a statement of not more than 150 words describing your qualifications and your vision for the Foundation. This will be included with the materials sent to the Board to select a person
- CANDIDATE QUESTIONS (350 word limit total, excluding questions) – This will be included with the ballot materials and will also be posted on the FFCF/KFCF websites.
- Please provide a brief background statement with the skill, experiences, and connection with Fresno Free College Foundation that you would bring to the Board as a Director.
- Please describe your perception of the value of KFCF 88.1 FM and KPFA to Central California.
- What is your opinion of KFCF’s local programming? How would you work to improve the local programming?
- How would you propose to increase the size and diversity of the KFCF listening audience?
- What, in your opinion, is the proper role and responsibility of a Board member?
- Do you have time to attend monthly Board and committee meetings?
- Your declaration of candidacy should contain an affirmation that you are standing to ba appointed toa seat as a Director of the Fresno Free College Foundation.
- EXAMPLE: I, (name), am both qualified and eligible to run for the office of Director of the Fresno Free College Foundation.
- Include on the declaration the following information: Name , Mailing Address, Phone Number(s), Email address if any
- This information is required in order for you to be contacted as well as to verify your eligibility as a paid member.
- The KFCF office is at 1449 N Wishon Ave in Fresno, CA 93728, SW corner of Pine and Wishon. Mailing address is PO Box 4364 Fresno, CA 93744